
myFlix Angular Client

Client-side of a movie database app built with Angular. User can view and manage information on movies they like and on their profile.

  • Angular
  • Express
  • Mongoose
  • Node

myFlix React Client

Client-side of a movie database app built with React. Users can view and manage information on movies they like and on their profile.

  • Express
  • Mongoose
  • Node
  • React

myFlix Server-side Project

Backend of myFlix App. A MERN stack, RESTful app stored in MongoDB, using JSON Web Tokens to secure information.

  • Express
  • Heroku
  • MongoDB
  • Node
  • Postman

DevChat App

A chat application for mobile devices built with React Native and Expo.

  • Expo
  • Firebase
  • Gifted Chat
  • React Native

WebDevMeetUp App

Serverless PWA built with React using a test-driven technique. It uses Google Calendar API to fetch upcoming events for the community of web developers and it can be downloaded for offline use.

  • AWS
  • Google Calendar API
  • React
  • Recharts
  • OAuth2

Pokedex App

A Pokemon Index App built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript that loads data from an external API and enables viewing of data points in details to the user.

  • Bootstrap
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • JavaScript

About Me

Hi again! Thank you for scrolling this far! I have recently moved to Spain from Australia, where I worked as a Full-Stack Web Developer building technical solutions for digital experiences, gaining experience in different technologies.

My unique background has helped me to develop a unique approach to sprints and to producing, reviewing and fixing code in fast paced environments while maintaining an easy-going vibe.

I'm ready to make a positive impact on people's lives online. One app at a time!🤓

Download my resume
Photo of Tanimara Santos, Full-Stack Developer


  • Accessibility

  • Angular

  • AWS

  • CSS

  • GitHub

  • HTML

  • JavaScript

  • PHP

  • React | React Native

  • Responsive design

  • SASS

  • SQL

  • TypeScript

Let's Chat!

My inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, send me a message. I'll do my best to get back to you!